- 25thYear of service through the net
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Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela- Serving the consumers for over 39 yrs.
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Tinker with the Act & destroy the movement

District Forums can adjudicate telecom consumer disputes


Comments on CPA



Gist of Cases Pursued

Review Petition-SC

Supreme Court Order in LPG Case


Major Events

Major Office-bearers


Text of CPC's appeal in the Supreme Court in
LPG short-filling case

LPG case - NCDRC verdict

LPG case - NCDRC's Review Order

Council's Review

Indane bottling 
 -IITK Report

Committee Report on 
short-filling of LPG

Complaint Petition - Indane short-filling 


Eliminate UTPs

Complaint Petition

Abdul Kalam's Message




RBI 's guidelines 
on Credit Card

CP Act

FAQs on Elec.
Reforms in Orissa

22nd Annual Report

Committee for LPG short-filling

Your Page

Hurrah for the consumer? -A.Dharker

The last letter from the veteran

Message of Justice Wadhwa

Awarded Paintings-2
Awarded Paintings

LG Case

Plg Comn. Meet

Let us realise our dream to become a developed nation by 2047.
-    B.Vaidyanathan

     Even the most passionate and sincere vision to make India, a developed nation by 2047 will only remain on paper, if the people behind the government and its agencies fail to measure up to the expectations and the demands of delivering results.  Obviously, laws and devising systems alone cannot make a country great, unless those are translated to tangible results expected of them.  It needs to be borne in mind that only a miniscule minority of the population, who are aware of the laws and their rights and are also resilient enough to take up the issue with the authorities concerned, of the government.   Any failure or lackadaisical approach on the part of such machinery needs to be viewed seriously and appropriate action taken.  Only then, the ordinary citizen, the consumer will be able to experience a responsive government, which is the hallmark of a welfare State, a developed India.

    Now, let me come to the real story.  On 20th Dec. 2024, I had ordered some grocery items through M/s, an organisation claiming itself as “Most Customer Centric Organisation on the earth”.  The same evening when the items were delivered, it was found that one of the items, KLF Tilnad Sesame Oil, 200 ml PET with a MRP of Rs. 88/-, had been billed at Rs. 99/- each.  Thus with 7 nos. supplied, the item had been billed at Rs. 693/- (99 x 7), instead of Rs. 616/- (88 x 7), in excess of Rs. 77/-.  The matter was immediately reported through chat and telephonic calls to several in the hierarchy, of Amazon, ending with one Mr. Guru Sevak Singh, introduced as Specialist in that area (pricing or whatever).  He sought 3 days’ time and assured me that someone would call by 24th Dec. ’24.  But no one called.  As per my Standard Operating Procedure, I took the next step of escalating the matter to the concerned authorities.

    In Tamil Nadu where I reside presently, after searching the web, to my pleasant surprise, found a web page “Complaint tracking system of Legal Metrology”, where an individual could lodge a complaint regarding Weights & Measure issues.  All the pleasantness experienced by me vanished within a few minutes, as there was no way to lodge a complaint as the OTP verification system, which is an integral part of this complaint lodging system, to verify the identity of the individual lodging the complaint, was dysfunctional.  After exhausting this option, after continuously trying for a week, at different times of the day, gathered the relevant e-mail ids of the concerned officials, lodged the complaint along with the copy of the Tax Invoice and photo of the PET bottle, on 31st Dec. 24.  The addressees include the highest in the hierarchy, ie., Principal Secretary to the Government of Tamil Nadu, Co-operation, Food and Consumer Protection Department.  

     Since there was no response from any quarter, even after a reminder sent on the 20th Jan. 2025, forwarded the complaint to the Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, on 2nd Feb.  Till date the response has been conspicuous by its absence. 

     All these mundane details have been shared herein only to highlight the effectiveness with which our bureaucracy, the people behind the government at the State and Central levels, have been so lethally silent even on actionable complaints.   Herein, proper Invoice supporting the transaction, photo of the item clearly indicating the MRP, and last but not the least, the dysfunctional Legal Metrology Portal (Complaint tracking system) of the Government of Tamil Nadu had all been systematically brought to light.  In spite of all this, the violation of a very important and simple Packaged Commodities Rules, which affects each and every citizen of this country, is being taken lightly, highlighting the indifference of people who are supposed to deliver.

    Government can introduce all the latest technologies, harp on innovation and digitization, invest and encourage AI and so on, but unless the delivery is ensured in totality, by all means, I am afraid the dream to achieve a developed nation by 2047 could become all the more daunting.

For the benefit of readers, we have provided below the links for our monthly newsletter
Advantage Consumer
, which can be utilised Free of Cost.

Consumers will be better protected - Narendra Modi

Software can only deliver, if the hardware is also good

A letter to the PM, Sri Narendra Modi

Supreme and fallible - Right to blunder?

Boot out the MNCs - How dare they do business in India!!

Arnab, et al!  There are many more vital things other than Sushma bashing 

"Jago Grahak Jago"

Let the consumer be doomed

Employees are entitled to benefit of two years weightage under the EPS

Don't Disturb - Justice is not Supreme

Supreme Court fails to uphold the law
Some suggestions to Chief Justice of India -  Is it that the Laws & Rules need to remain only on paper?
Unprincipled Amendments to Consumer Protection Act

A big question mark about the relevance of the judiciary in safeguarding the consumer
(Council's Curative Petition dismissed)

  In India, consumers have been at the receiving end since long.  One thought that things will change for the better after the Consumer Protection Act was enacted in 1986 and a structured approach was adopted to promote and safeguard the interests of the consumers.  But after 2004, things have gone from bad to worse.  Commencing from the castration of the Central Consumer Protection Council, the relevance of the consumer Act itself has been brought into question.  If the government is found wanting and none too serious to strengthen this voluntary initiative of the individuals to do their bit for a healthy society, which in any case is bound to benefit the industry, its competitiveness and the country as a whole, myopic approach only appear to rule the roost, as on date.

  Important amendments which were brought in 2003 to the Consumer Protection Act, with a clear objective of penalising Unfair Trade Practices and to compensate the consumer/litigant adequately have been frustrated by the indifferent approach of the National Commission as well as the Supreme Court.  That is why, giving the benefit of doubt to the bench which did not do justice to the issues placed before it by Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela, and to take the issues pursued by it to the logical end, Curative Petition was filed.  The GROUNDS categorically illustrate the denial of Natural Justice to the Petitioner Council and the failure of the Court in addressing the issues raised in the Appeal.  Rupa Ashok Hurra case specifically has laid Violation of Principles of Natural justice as the valid ground for considering a Curative Petition.  Question is whether a narrow view of non-issue of notice alone should be taken as the requisite ground for allowing the Appeal or blatant denial to consider the Grounds of Appeal by the concerned bench should be treated alike, in the larger interests of justice?  If this anomaly is not addressed, Curative Petitions will only be found useful when the media start highlighting an issue, like the LGBT case leading to the strength of the population deciding the outcome of the Curative Petition.  This does not augur well for a civilized democratic country.

  Learned ex-Justice of Gujarat & Rajasthan High Courts, Sri M.R.Calla, and designated Sr. Advocate of the Supreme Court had unequivocally advocated for allowing the Curative Petition of the Council, pointing out the gross miscarriage of justice and denial of natural justice.  But that has not appealed to the Supreme Court bench headed by the CJI, who have dismissed the Curative Petition, as per the Order made available on the internet today. 

  Something needs to be done to address and to save the people from this hyper-technical approach of the Supreme Court and to promote the consumer movement, which is after all in the best interests of the nation.  Will Shri Narendra Modi and his government do something to stem this rot?


How can the Supreme Court pass an irrelevant order?

'Consumer justice is your right'

Fleece the consumer and go scot-free

Finish the consumer movement?

Almost all the LPG bottling plants have been modernised

CPC, Rourkela celebrates its Silver Jubilee

Silver Jubilee of the Consumer Protection Act celebrated

Union Minister feels that self regulation has failed to control unethical advertisements

Dr. Kalam calls upon the nation to work towards elimination of spurious drugs

Consumer groups hold consultations to tackle spurious drugs

Consultations on FDI in Retail held

New legislation for curbing misleading advertisements opposed

13th SCPC Meeting held at Bhubaneswar

Workshop recommends amendments to CP Act

Seminar on Effective Grievance Redressal in Telecom Sector, held in Agartala

Consumer Courts can adjudicate telecom disputes

Complaint Page with new additions

RBI's notification on Credit Card

  A consumer organisation with a difference Instead of rendering advisory services alone, the Council since its inception, in 1985, has been taking up issues affecting them through the consumer courts and other means and feels proud to have provided relief to crores of people.  These include:

  • Remedial action against short filling of LPG in cooking gas refills; of the 184 LPG Bottling Plants, of the three Oil Marketing Companies (IOC, BP & HP), only 4 remain to be automated.  Even these will be modernised within the next financial year 2013-14).  The quantified loss of nearly Rs. 750 crores per year to the consumers across the country has been taken care by this upgradation.  Thanks to the Council's Original Petition initiatied in 2001, before the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC).
  • Won an important case against the Rourkela Development Authority and secured financial relief for a group of individuals, against violation of Plan & Specifications in the construction of the houses and delay in handing over the possession.
  • Obtained a separate District Forum for Rourkela, though it is not the district headquarters, which otherwise necessitated the entire Rourkela population to approach the Forum, situated at Sundergarh, a place 100 km away;
  • Re-routing of Dhanbad-Alleppey Express train through Chennai Central;
  • Campaigned against non transferring of excise duty concessions (to the consumers) extended by the union government to the industry;
  • Better upkeep of the railway coaches of Utkal Kalinga Express and other trains;
  • Reintroduction AC Chair Car in Ispat Express;
  • Refunding of booking advance by M/s APSL and M/s LML; and many more. 
  It will not be an exaggeration to add that its activities have added to the confidence of the Rourkela population, against unethical business practices.

  The fifth Voluntary Consumer Organisation in the country to have set up a Consumer Information Centre, with the support of Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution, Govt. of India. Has earned a niche for creating consumer awareness and handling of individual as well as group/class grievances. It is bringing out an English monthly Advantage Consumer, to educate the consumers. It is represented in various Advisory bodies.

An Aware Consumer is an Asset to the Nation

  Through this site effort will be made to disseminate all relevant information and answers to many of the queries which are frequently asked. Knowledge is power and ignorance is the root cause of all exploitation. As a consumer, we hope you will find the site quite useful. Since ours is a voluntary organisation with meagre resources we have designed the site on our own and are sure there will be lot of scope to improve. As such we invite the public and the visitors to this site to communicate their valuable feedback, so that we may improve the contents of this site. 

  Lots & Lots of information in store for you to tap, in the Information Section.  Why wait to click on Information.

  If you are keen to support the Council, you may send in your donations through crossed Cheques/Demand Drafts, drawn in favour of "Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela". All donations to the Council are exempted under sec. 80G of the Income Tax Act. The Council is also registered under the FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act).


Read Advantage Consumer, monthly newsletter of Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela.

Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela
Chief Mentor: