Protection Council, Rourkela celebrates its Silver Jubilee
G.S.Prasad, CEO, SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant, lighting the lamp to mark
the inauguration of the Silver Jubilee celebrations.
The Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela
was held at Rourkela Club at a function organized on Sunday, the 8th April.
Mr. G. S. Prasad, CEO, RSP graced the occasion as chief guest and inaugurated
the celebration by lighting the ceremonial lamp.
Addressing the gathering, Mr. Prasad outlined the significance of the consumer
movement in the country for the safeguard of the consumers’ interest and
redressal of their problems. “We the customers should be adequately aware
about our rights so as to prevent any exploitation. The Consumer
Protection Council, Rourkela has been rendering a great service in the
Steel City for the past twenty five years and has now reached an important
and significant stage of its Silver Jubilee,” he said. Earlier Mr.
Prasad also released the Silver Jubilee souvenir of the Council published
to mark the occasion.
In his address Mr. B. Vaidyanathan, the Chief Mentor of the Council and
one of the leading consumer protection activists presented a brief about
the consumer movement in the country and involvement of people in it. Elaborating
on the establishment and achievement of the CPC, Rourkela, he shared about
how the grievances of a number of consumers were redressed because of the
fight of the Council. He said that he was eagerly awaiting the decision
of the Supreme Court in the LPG short-weighment case. He declared
that it was his dream to make the Council and Rourkela achieve highest
level of glory in the consumer movement.
Earlier Mr. P. Karunakaran, President of the Council in his welcome address
presented a brief about the 25- year long journey of the Council.
Mr. R. R.Bitra, Secretary, read out the secretarial report.
In recognition of the extraordinary support given to the Council’s activities
in the past, Mr. B.Panda and Mr. A.P.Biswal were presented mementoes.
Mr. Sanjaya Sahu, Chartered Accountant, of M/s Roy & Sahu Co. Ltd.
was also recognized for his continued service to the Council, on honorary
The function concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. B.Pradhan, Vice President
of the Council.
Among others Mrs. Manjari Prasad, President, Deepika Mahila Sanghati, Mr.
S. N. Roy, ED(Works), Mr.R. K. Nehru, ED(MM), Dr(Mrs) Neerja Nehru, Vice
President, Deepika Mahila Sanghati and many senior officers of the Rourkela
Steel Plant and members of the Council participated in the celebrations.
G.S.Prasad, CEO, SAIL, RSP, releasing the Silver Jubilee Souvenir.