can the Supreme Court pass an irrelevant order?
B.Vaidyanathan, Chief Mentor, CPC, Rourkela, addressing the media,
the Rourkela Press Club, on 27th May 13.
How can the Supreme Court pass an irrelevant order?, wondered Sri B.Vaidyanathan,
Chief Mentor, Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela, while addressing the
media at the Rourkela Press Club, on 27th May 13. He was on a visit to
Rourkela, to participate in the Annual General Meeting of CPC, Rourkela,
held on the 26th.
Sri Vaidyanathan narrated the systematic efforts made by the Council to
unearth the huge loss suffered by the consumers on account of under-weighed
'Indane' LPG (cooking gas) refills supplied across the country, due to
shortcomings in the 'Indane' LPG bottling plants.
CPC, Rourkela, had to approach the National Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commission (NCDRC) in 2001, as the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) was not
even willing to accept the problem. Based on the findings of the
IIT, Kharagpur Professors and the recommendations of the Committee set
up the government of India, the NCDRC directed the IOC to automate the
LPG bottling plants, in 2007. But, though the Consumer Protection
Act had been amended, in March 2003, incorporating provisions for the award
of "punitive damages", award of "a minimum of 5% of value of defective
goods sold in the market" and for the award of "adequate costs" to the
litigant and which are applicable in the case of CPC, Rourkela, were not
invoked by the NCDRC. This, in spite of the fact that the Council
brought these to the notice of the NCDRC, in Jan. 2004 itself, much before
it passed even the interim orders, in Oct. 2005, Sri Vaidyanathan stated.
As per the estimates submitted by the Council, to the NCDRC, defective
(short-weighed) 'Indane' LPG refills worth over Rs. 65,000 crores had been
sold by the IOC and as per the provisions of the Consumer Act, IOC should
have been directed to pay at least Rs. 3,250 crores to the Consumer Welfare
Fund, Sri Vaidyanathan emphasised. But the National Commission remained
silent in its order and had declared its inability to consider it under
the review as well.
Hence, CPC, Rourkela, appealed to the Supreme Court, under sec. 23 of the
Consumer Protection Act. In gross violation of the provisions under
which the appeal was made and with scant regard to the facts of the case
and the appeal, the Supreme Court concluded, in Dec. 2012, that the appeal
had become 'infructuous', as both the government and IOC had been complying
with the directives of the National Commission, Sri Vaidyanathan said.
He further said that when the order of the National Commission was questioned
in the appeal made under sec. 23 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Supreme
Court was only to decide whether there were any shortcomings in the impugned
order of the National Commission. An appeal made under sec. 23 cannot
become 'infructuous'. It can either be maintainable or not.
It appears as though the Supreme Court had not even understood the basis
on which the appeal was made. The Review Petition highlighting these
shortcomings was also dismissed in Feb. 2013.
Sri Vaidyanathan wanted the media to highlight the unreasonableness of
the order of the Supreme Court, so that the issue reaches all concerned.