Jubilee of the Consumer Protection Act celebrated
K.V.Thomas, Union Minister for Consumer Affairs cutting a cake to commemorate
the 25th anniversary of the Consumer Protection Act.
A national policy to protect the interests of consumers is on the anvil.
This apart, the existing Consumer Protection Act would be amended so that
consumer disputes' redressal forums become more effective in enforcing
their orders and the consumers get commensurate compensation, said Prof.
K.V.Thomas, Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution,
while delivering his valedictory address of the Silver Jubilee celebrations
of the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, organised at the IMA House,
Kochi, on 24th Dec. 2011, by the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) India
and the Indian Medical Association (IMA). The Parliamentary Standing
Committee is looking into the amendments to the Act.
Prof. K.V.Thomas expressed concern at spurious and often over-priced drugs
flooding the market. "Many doctors prescribe drugs as suggested by
pharmacy companies. These doctors fall prey to the lure of gifts,
cars, apartments and foreign trips promised by these companies. Often,
they prescribe drugs for a month, whereas medication for a week would have
been enough."
In his address, the founder of the PSM India, Sri Bejon Misra, said that
awareness of the consumer rights played a major role in ending the monopoly
of a few firms in many sectors. He called for safeguarding the interests
of consumers and to make safe and quality medicines must be made accessible
to all.
The past national president of the IMA, Dr. P.V.George said that spurious
and substandard drugs are a menace. He felt that the attitude of
the patients must change since many of them are not content if the doctor
prescribes simple medicines. Since courts function on the basis of
evidence, doctors are often forced to practice defensive medicine, he said.
Earlier, speaking in the Technical Session, Sri B.Vaidyanathan, Chief Mentor,
Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela, highlighted various amendments sought
to be introduced in the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. He felt that
the proposed amendments were quite progressive and had the potential to
revive the consumer movement. Especially, the provisions relating
to: award of interest on the compensation for the period of delay in the
dissolution of the dispute; to pay a fine of Rs. 500 per day for delay
in complying with the order of the Forum; inclusion of Unfair Contracts
and enlarging the scope of Unfair Trade Practices to make non issue of
cash memo and making it obligatory on the part of the seller to take back
goods sold within 30 days; should help the affected consumers to assert
themselves. He cautioned that all the benefits envisaged in the Act
can have the desired effect only when appropriate enabling provisions are
made in the Consumer Protection Rules. For example, while the proposed
amendment has ambitiously enhanced the penalty payable by the provider
of defective goods or services from 5% to 25%, when such defective goods
or deficient services affect a large number of consumers, the impact of
such provisions will be felt only when the complainant is given adequate
portion of the award, he said.
The others who spoke include S/Sri Hibi Eden, MLA, Manoj Parida, Jt. Secretary,
in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, P.B.N.Prasad, Dy. Drugs Controller,
and Ranga Iyer, Advisor, India Health Progress.