Important judgements passed
by the Consumer Courts
Dealer penalised for rendering deficient service to a self-employed youth
National Consumer Disputes
Redressal Commission,
New Delhi
First Appeal No. 95
of 1990
K. Haridasan
... Appellant
M/s M.O. Hasan
Kuthoos Maricar Pvt. Ltd. ...
V.Balakrishna Eradi,
This appeal has been filed by the complainant in case No.4 of 1989 on the
file of the state Commission, Pondicherry against the order dated July
5, 1990 passed by the State Commission.
Neither the appellant nor the respondent was present at the time when the
appeal came up for hearing. After having carefully perused the records
we have come to the conclusion that this appeal has to be allowed in part.
The facts of the case lie in a brief compass. An advertisement had
appeared in the malayalam news paper "Malayala Manorama" dated January
17,1989 wherein the respondent M/s M.O.Hasan Kuthoos Maricar Ltd., Pondicherry
had offered early delivery of Ambassador Diesel cars at a price of Rs.1,24,500/-
each. In pursuance of the said advertisement the complainant, who
was then an unemployed motor driving licence holder was desirous
of acquiring a car for the purpose of earning his livelihood by operating
it as a taxi, remitted the amount of Rs.1,24,500/- at the company's office
at Mahe on January 31,1989 and he received the agreement letter evidenced
by Ex.A-2 wherein he was assured that the vehicle would be delivered to
him not later than March 31,1989. Default was, however,committed
by the respondent in honouring this assurance regarding delivery. Repeated
visits made by the complainant to the office of the respondent at Mahe
did not yeild any results. Subsequently, on April 27,1989, the complainant
received a telegram from the respondent intimating him that the delivery
of the vehicle could be given only in the third week of May,1989.
However, delivery was not made even within the said period and hence the
complainant again repeatedly called at the office of the respondent at
Mahe and also sent a registered letter dated May 10,1989 demanding delivery
of the car within five days of the receipt of the same. Ultimately, in
July, 1989 a telegram was received by the complainant from the head office
of the respondent company stating that the vehicle was ready for delivery
to him in the Pondicherry office of the company. But when the Complainant
went to Pondicherry to take delivery of the car he was informed that there
had been an increase in the price of the vehicle and that he should pay
Rs.11,663/- more in order to get delivery of the vehicle and if he was
not agreeable to pay the enhanced price he could take back his advance.
Being left with no other option the complainant paid the additional amount
of Rs.11.663/- also and took delivery of the car on July 17,1989 after
his having been made to sign another agreement which mentioned the enhanced
price of the car.
The appellant thereafter filed the complaint petition before the state
Commission, Pondicherry setting out the aforesaid facts and seeking to
recover back from the respondent company the sum of Rs.11,663/- collected
from him by way of enhanced price of the vehicle together with interest
at 12 per cent on the amount of Rs.1,24,500/- which he had deposited with
the company as price of the car, for the period from 1.2.1989 to 16.7.89.
In addition the complainant also sought to recover from the respondent
a sum of Rs.5250/- representing his loss of earnings during the period
from 1.4 1989 to 15.7.1989 as well as a further sum of Rs.10,000/- by way
of compensate for mental agony and distress.
In defence to the petition the opposite party contended that no assurance
was ever given by it concerning the date of the delivery of the car and
since the complainant had taken delivery of the vehicle with all accessories
on July 17, 1989 after voluntarily paying the enhanced price it was not
open to him to claim the refund of any portion of the price paid for the
vehicle nor recovery of any amount by way of interest or damages under
any head of account.
After examining the documentary evidence relating to the transaction;the
State Commission came to the categorical finding that the respondent company
had undertaken to supply to the complainant a diesel Ambassador car at
the price Rs.1,24,500/- within six weeks from the date on which the cost
of the vehicle was fully remitted. It was further found that the
complainant had paid the full cost of the car on January 1,1989 but default
was committed by the respondent in making delivery as promised under the
agreement and hence the respondent was clearly guilty of violation of the
contract. On the question of the entitlement of the complainant to recover
back from the respondent the enhanced price collected from him the state
Commission took the view that since the complainant had entered into a
fresh agreement mentioning the revised price at the time when he took delivery
he was not legally entitled to claim a refund of the excess amount paid
by way of an enhanced price. However, the State Commission held that
the complainant is entitled to be paid interest at 12 percent on the amount
of Rs. 1,24,500/- for the period from 1.2.1989 to 16.7.1989 but while directing
such payment of interest the State Commission has however directed that
since a reduction of price to the extent of Rs.5000/- had been given to
the complainant by the respondent, the said sum should be deducted from
the amount of interest payable by the respondent and hence the complainant
would be finally entitled only to the balance of Rs.2,000/- by way of interest.
The claims for compensation put forward by the complainant under the head
of "loss of earnings and mental harassment and agony" were summarily disallowed
by the State Commission.
Aggrieved by the said order passed by the State Commission the complainant
has come up with this appeal with the prayer that the order passed by the
State Commission should be modified by allowing to him the full amount
of interest as well as compensation as claimed in the complaint petition
under both the heads mentoned above.
After having given our careful consideration to all aspects of the case
we are of opinion that the State Commission was not justified in directing
that the amount of Rs.5,000/- purported to have been allowed to the complainant
by the respondent by way of reduction in price should be deducted from
the interest awarded on the sum of Rs.1,24.500/- for the period from 1.2.1989
to 16.7.1989. It is clearly seen from the document produced as Ex-3
that even under the original arrangement a deduction of Rs.4,740/- was
offered to all persons who booked their orders and paid the full price
on or before January 31,1989 and that it was after such deduction that
the amount to be deposited by way of price by the complainant was specified
at Rs.1,24,500/-. The complainant was clearly entitled to be granted
similar deduction while computing the price after it was enhanced. Hence
there was absolutely no justification for giving credit to the respondent
for the sum of Rs.5,000/- while quantifying the amount payable by the respondent
as interest that had accrued due on the sum of Rs.1,24,599/- from 1.2.1989
to 16.7.1989. The direction contained in the order of the State Commission
for the deduction of Rs.5.000/- be set aside and we hold that the appellant
is entitled to recover from the respondent full amount of Rs.7,000/- by
way of interest on Rs.1,24,500/- for the period from 1.2.1989 to 16.7.1989.
The averment of the petitioner that at the time when he placed the order
for the car he was an unemployed youth possessing a driving licence and
that his purpose in ordering for the car was to secure a means of livelihood
by operating the vehicle for hire remains uncontradicted. Under Ex.A-3,
the respondent had categorically assured the complaint that he would be
given delivery of the vehicle within six weeks of the date of payment of
the price (31st January,1989). Since the vehicle was delivered only
on July 17,1989 after a delay of several months, it is self evident that
the complainant must have been put to considerable loss on account of his
having to remain unemployed during the said period. Such being the case,
we are of the view that the State Commission should have awarded reasonable
compensation to the complainant for his loss of earnings during the
said period. Having regard to all the facts and circumstances we
considered that it would be just and fair to fix the compensation payable
to the complainant under this head at Rs.2500/-. We direct that the
said amount shall be paid by the respondent to the complainant as compensation
for loss of earnings.
The documents on record also indicate that the complainant had to make
a number of visits to the respondent's branch office at Mahe besides making
several written representations to the said branch office as well as to
the head office of the respondent company. Ultimately, the delivery of
the vehicles was effected at Pondicherry which is at a distance of
700 Kms. from Mahe. On account of the delay in getting delivery of
the vehicle and by reason of the complainant having been put to the necessity
of writting several letters and making many visits to the office of the
respondent company at Mahe, the complainant must have been put to a great
deal of mental agony and distress. It is to be remembered that a
large amount which the complainant had borrowed from the bank was lying
with the respondent company and there was no certainly as to when the vehicle
would be delivered to him. Hence we find that there is substance
in the claim put forward by the complainant for the grant of compensation
for the mental agony and distress caused to him,though the quantum of compensation
claimed by him, namely, Rs.10,000/- cannot be regarded as reasonable .The
State Commission has not given any valid reason for disallowing compensation
to the complainant under this head. Having taken into account all
the facts and circumstances of the case we consider that it would be reasonable
to allow a compensation of Rs.3000/- to the complainant for the mental
agony and distress suffered by him due to the negligence of the respondent
and we direct that the said amount also shall be paid to the complainant
by the respondent.
In the result,we allow this appeal in part and modify the order of the
state Commission by allowing to the complainant a total compensation of
Rs.12,500/- under the three heads mentioned above. This amount shall be
paid by the respondent to the complainant within one month from the date
of the receipt of a copy of this order. The parties will bear their
respective costs in this.