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Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela |
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Postal authorities directed to pay the dues of CTD depositors STATE CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, ORISSA, CUTTACK CONSUMER DISPUTE APPEAL NO. 620 OF 1996 Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela
... Appellant
Present :
Mr. P.C.Mishra, President : This appeal is directed against the decision of the District Forum, Sundergarh-II, Rourkela in C.D.Case No.298/93/Tr.94/95. The complainant is a registered Voluntary Organisation who espoused the cause of two employees of Rourkela Steel Plant, namely, K.B.Mishra and late K.C.Parida. Each of the aforesaid two persons deposited money under Salary Saving Scheme with the Postal authorities. Under the said scheme postal authorities shall get a monthly instalment from the salary of the Account holders. The maturity value of Sri K.B.Mishra's deposits was Rs. 5079.60 P and that of Sri K.C.Parida was Rs. 8,003/-. On the date of maturity, when the account holders wanted to withdraw their maturity amount it was found that some amount of each of the accounts have been withdrawn. On enquiry it was also found that the pass books of both the account holders were missing from the CTD Bureau office, who was the custodian of those pass books. Since then the account holders are deprived of getting their legitimate dues and when no steps were taken by the Postal authorities they have come up with this case praying for appropriate redressal and also prayed for compensation. 2. The Opposite parties 1 to 3 before the District
Forum who are respondents 1 to 3 in this appeal filed their show cause
admitting that both the aforesaid account holders had opened accounts in
the Post Office under the Salary Saving Scheme. Sri Mishra had opened 10
years CTD account in which Rs. 30/- was the monthly instalment payable
from his salary. Sri K.C.Parida had opened one five year RD Account in
which a sum of Rs. 100/- was payable as monthly instalments being deducted
from his salary. It was stated in the said show cause that as per the rule,
the account holder is to authorise his employer to deduct the monthly instalments
from his salary and the pass books are to be kept by the employer to transact
business with the Postal authorities on behalf of account holders. It has
also been provided that if the depositor intends to withdraw any amount
be shall have to obtain pass books from the employer and receive the payment
from the postal authorities observing the formalities. From the records
of the Postal authorities, they found that as per the records an amount
of Rs. 960/- was withdrawn from the account of K.B.Mishra on 25-4-84 and
a sum of Rs. 2650/- was withdrawn from the account of K.C.Parida on 10-12-93.
When the account holders denied to have withdrawn such amounts, departmental
enquiry was conducted. But during such enquiry, the withdrawal vouchers
could not be traced out. They asked the depositors to produce their pass
books for verification, but they did not produce their pass books, as such
no other enquiry could be conducted.It has been suggested that failure
to produce the pass book may entail the acceptance by the depositor of
the balance in the post office ledger as final. They referred to certain
rules of Post office guide part-I and contended that the Postal authorities
are not responsible for any fraudulent withdrawal by a person obtaining
possession of a pass book from the depositors. Opposite parties 4 and 5
in their written version stated that the CTD Bureau is located in the office
provided by the Rourkela Steel Plant with all furnitures and almirahas
for keeping the pass books of the employees of Rourkela Steel Plant through
pay roll in their CTD/RD accounts. Thus the CTD pass books of the depositors
were not with the employer but with the postal authorities. It is further
stated in their show cause that in case of withdrawl of money on maturity,
the collecting agents are to issue authorisation identifying the signature
of the depositors without which the CTD Bureau is not supposed to pay any
amount. Their stand was that the employees were not at all responsible
for the alleged withdrawal from the accounts of the aforesaid account holders.
The District Forum after analysing the position which was practically admitted
before it, came to the conclusion that there is nothing on record to establish
that the account holders on whose behalf the complaint petition has been
filed has ever withdrawn the amount as noted above from their respective
accounts. The forum also held that they are entitled to receive the full
maturity value without deducting any amount on the plea that the same was
previously withdrawn by them. In the result, the complaint peition was
allowed to the extent that the postal authorities are to pay the maturity
amount to the concerned account holders deducting the amount if any paid
by them. They were also directed to pay interest at the rate of 12% per
annum from the date of maturity till the date of payment. The complainants
have filed this appeal on the ground that the ultimate order passed by
the District Forum is conclusive in as much as the Dirict Forum clearly
held that the account holders have not withdrawn any amount prior to the
date of maturity but at the same time directed payment of the maturity
value deducting the withdrawal made by them. There is no reason for such
conclusion if the aforesaid direction is read with paragraph-4 of the decision.
In the paragraph-4 it has been clearly stated by the District Forum that
Sri Parida (account holder bearing no. 1083676) has been paid a sum of
Rs. 6,148.50 P in the month of January, 1990 after deducting a sum of Rs.
2,650/- which he denies to have received. But the other account holder
has not been paid any amount. In the aforesaid context the final direction
passed by the District Forum has to be construed to mean that Sri Parida
has to be paid full maturity value deducting a sum of Rs. 6,148.50 P which
has been paid to him by the postal authorities. So far as the other account
holder is concerned he has not been paid any amount towards the maturity
value of his deposit and therefore the entire maturity value has to be
paid to him. The District Forum has however directed that the postal authorities
shall also be liable to pay interest on the matured value of the respective
accounts at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of maturity till the
date of payment. The aforesaid direction means that each of the account
holders will be entitled to interest on the maturity value from the date
of maturity till the date of payment of the same. It must be kept in mind
that Sri Parida was paid a sum of Rs. 6,148.50 P in January 1990 and therefore,
the said amount should carry interest from the date of maturity till the
date of payment. The balance amount payable to him as per the direction
of the District Forum would also carry interest from the date of payment
of the aforesaid sum of Rs. 6,148.50 P till the date of payment. With the
aforesaid direction the appeal is disposed of.
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