Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela
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Related web sites

Use the web.Today, you must have web access to stay current.Prices are coming down.Get access to the Internet, find out where the sites are that support you, and interact with them.Here are some starter sites which link to millions of other regulatory and energy efficiency sites:

(a)www.doe.govWeb site for the U.S. Department of Energy. Access to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rules and databases, with links to all state energy commissions.Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network.It contains links to a multitude of other efficiency-related sites.

(b)www.nwppc.orgWeb site for the Northwest Power Planning Council.The Council is a four-state regional electric energy planning body whose integrated resource planning and conservation analysis are widely regarded as “state-of-the-art.”

(c)www.ceeformt.orgWeb site for the Consortium for Energy Efficiency, a national “market transformation” alliance.

(d)www.nwalliance.orgWeb site for the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, a regional market transformation consortium.

(e) access web site for Seattle City Light provides information to customers on the utility’s energy efficiencyprograms, as well as access to the Lighting Design Laboratory.

(f) City Light’s in-web, which provides information on the progress of City Light efficiency programs, primarily for internal users. 

(g)www.converger.comConvergence Research is a leading site for information on utility industry restructuring.

(h) to the web sites of U.S. state regulatory commissions.

(i) Department of Energy building energy codes site.

(j) assistance in implementation of building energy codes.

(k)www.rmi.orgWeb site for the Rocky Mountain Institute, home base of global energy efficiency wizard, Amory Lovins.

(l) to dozens of energy-related sites.

(m)www. or www.ascihyd.orgcommentary on regulatory and cosumer policies, course schedules and announcements

(n)www.cent_com_indis.comCases, rulings, and regulations of the India Central Electric Regulatory Commission (CERC) 

(o) Cases, rulings, and regulations of the Orissa Electric Regulatory Commission (OERC)


Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela