Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela |
Advocacy Use
proper channels for communication, make sure your supervisor is aware of
your activities, and obtain proper permission where needed. 1.Network.
Work with others who have the same interests and objectives. 2.Get
Try to get your organization involved in the new regulatory process. 3.Do
one for practice. Prepare
an argument in support of or in opposition to some current tariff or service
issue in your state. Think it through, collect some real numbers, and try
some analysis.If it works out, show
it to your supervisor and see if there is interest in pursuing it. 4.Write
a white paper.Identify
a consumer issue in which your company or agency has a legitimate role
or interest.Write a white paper
suggesting how it could be implemented and set up.(A
white paper is a proposal which is circulated on a strictly hypothetical
basis, so the author is not exposed to criticism.) 5.Find
the news.
Start a clipping file of relevant articles on consumer advocacy issues,
DSM policies, ESCO’s, energy efficient products, financings, regulatory
decisions, public energy education, etc. 6.Use
the news.
The Indian press is very good in business and technical areas. Write a
newspaper or magazine article about Consumer Advocacy.Invite
a reporter to work with you. Get necessary approvals. 7.Help
Don’t blame politics for all India’s energy woes. There are votes to be
gained in Consumer Advocacy.Prepare
a briefing paper with honest facts for your local political representatives,
encourage them to support your programs, then support them in turn. Get
necessary approvals. 8.Be
an opportunist.
You know the barriers to implementing Consumer Advocacy programs in India.
Successful people and organizations find ways around the barriers.Watch
keenly for the right time and the right approach. 9.Be
an “intra-preneur”.
Look for new business opportunities in Consumer Advocacy (consultancy,
analysis, research, etc.) and promote them to your company and company
business associates. The problems (opportunities) are enormous. Develop
an understanding with your supervisor that allows you to think creatively
and supportively.Support intra-preneurship
in your subordinates. 10.Develop
your energy sense.
Using the cost-effectiveness methodologies find some real project numbers
and do sensitivity analysis.Learn
which inputs (collections effectiveness, fuel costs, O&M expenses,
power purchase contracts, debt/equity ratios, interest rates, etc.) have
the greatest effect on tariffs and service. 11.Get
real numbers.Without
real numbers, all the financial analysis, computer models, and decision
methodology are only guesswork.It’s
going to take a long time to accumulate a database of meaningful, statistically
significant data on system loads and losses and consumer usage.Start
right now.Push for good meters
and instruments, digital data collection and storage systems, and useful
databases. 12.Build
a team.Consumer
Advocacy and energy regulation require many parties, all working together,
with good mutual understanding, before anyone can speak out on a
policy.Those who speak out alone
can easily harm the common interest.Think
this way when you propose policies – who will be involved, who will be
affected, whose cooperation is required. 13.Get
in deeper.Get
more training and really learn the tariff methodology your state will be
using.Become an expert on Revenue
Requirements, Cost Allocations, Resource Planning, and Forecasting.Learn
to do the calculations and use the computer models.Get
some people on your staff with the computer skills to become real experts
in these models, and use them to base your arguments within the regulatory
regime.You will be much more effective
is your arguments are in the same terms as those of the commissions and
the electric companies. 14.Look
to your future.
Change your job description to reflect new skills. Discuss opportunities
within your company with your supervisor or HRD director. It’s OK to look
care of your personal career interests, especially since you are trying
to act in the public good in an area of great importance to all India. 15.Assess
the market. Do
some rough calculations of the peak capacity deficit in India.Which
sectors have the greatest problems?Which
can pay for new capacity?Where are
the opportunities for DSM investors, entrepreneurs, and ESCO’s?If
there is no potential market, don’t expect great success from your promotional
efforts. 16.Look
to regulators.Since
everyone in India has become habituated to state ownership and control
of the electric sector, the concept of independent regulators setting tariff
policy is unaccustomed.In fact,
attempts by state agencies to set policies which affect tariffs could create
jurisdictional problems or weaken the proper role of the regulator. The
new regulators need your support, and you need theirs. 17.Look
to regulators.Some
consumer sectors are subsidized, so have little financial incentive to
correct very large efficiency and capacity problems.The
SEB’s and industrial customers receive the benefit from fixing problems
in the agricultural sector, for example. The SEB’s get the fuel savings;
the industrials get the saved power. The new SERC’s have responsibility
for setting tariff policies to encourage DSM and energy efficiency measures.Work
with the regulators to ensure DSM/ESCO’s and consumers can share in the
savings. 18.Share
Share the information you have with your colleagues/associates. 19.Learn
more about project finance.India
does need foreign investment to help build essential infrastructure.Learn
how this works.Non-recourse project
finance is an important concept.The
project stands on its own merits without depending on credit support from
its sponsors’ balance sheets.Truly
non-recourse financing may not be attainable, but the concept holds promise
for India, and the discipline of project finance helps guarantee successful
projects.This topic is a hotbed
of ill-informed public discussion, overwrought with emotion, provocation,
and ad hominem attacks.India
needs your informed and level-headed participation in discussions. 20.Use
your human assets.Most
Indian companies are overstaffed (particularly SEB’s) with experienced
degreed engineers.In addition, computerization
and upgrades to equipment will free up some manpower.Since
they are already on the payroll, they are available (for “free”) to join
consumer load researach, DSM, and energy efficiency work groups.Consumer
Advocacy takes a lot of analysis, fieldwork, and monitoring. 21.Make
sure you have the necessary equipment.If
you are doing DSM or energy efficiency projects, do you have the necessary
measuring equipment, communications equipment, computers, test equipment,
monitoring and verification systems, software, models, and procedures?If
you don’t have what you need, what are you wasting in lost productive time,
lost customers, lost credibility at the bank, and lost market share?Are
these worth less than the equipment?Get
what you need to do the job right. 22.Examine
a real DSM project which involved serious capital investment.Get
detailed information on the contract and partnership structure of the deal.Make
a diagram showing the relationship between the DSM/ESCO, customer, vendors,
operators, lenders, lessors, owners, investors, consultants, contractors,
construction company, independent engineers, etc.Try
to envision what goes on in negotiations between each of these parties.Does
this relationship change when the deal is signed?When
the project goes into service? 23.Become
a financial manager.Spread
the concept of financial analysis and financing to your technical managers.Look
for every opportunity to increase your own financial skills. 24.Use
the web.Today,
you must have web access to stay current.Prices
are coming down.Get access to the
Internet, find out where the sites are that support you, and interact with
them. for some of the sites which link to
millions of other regulatory and energy efficiency sites: 25.Use
the web.
Help your own company start a web site and add an energy efficiency page
to spread information and produce interested business contacts. 26.Join
the Energy Training Program Alumni Association of India, which is open
to all energy professionals.It sponsors
roundtables several times each year, shares information and opportunities
with its members, and supports policy formation. Contact Anita Kochhar, |